#!/usr/local/bin/perl ######################################################################### # Access Stats v1.12 # # Copyright (c)2000 Chi Kien Uong # # URL: http://www.proxy2.de # # # # This Software is distributed under the GNU General Public # # License. For more details see license.txt # # # ######################################################################### # url to the image file $output = "http://localhost/stat/log.gif"; # path to the log files from the server root without trailing "/" (chmoded to 777 (drwxrwxrwx)) $base_dir = "../logfiles"; # server time offset - add one hour = +1 ; subtract one hour = -1 $offset = 0; # Ignored IPs - Comment it out if you don't use it e.g. #@skip=(''); @skip=('',''); # log file extension $log_file_ext = "txt"; # IP log file - 666 (-rw-rw-rw-) $ip_file = "ip.log"; # time (in min) to keep visitor IP in table (ip blocking) $ip_time = 15; # Done ########### $check=0; sub check_ip { open(FILE,"$ip_file"); my @lines = ; close(FILE); my $found = 0; my $this_time = time(); open(TABLE,">$ip_file"); foreach $visitor (@lines) { ($ip_addr,$time_stamp) = split(/\|/,$visitor); if ($this_time < $time_stamp+(60*$ip_time)) { if ($ip_addr eq $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}) { $found=1; } else { print TABLE "$ip_addr|$time_stamp"; } } } print TABLE "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}|$this_time\n"; close(TABLE); return $found; } sub parse_ref { my $query = $ENV{'QUERY_STRING'}; ($value, $referer) = split(/=/, $query); if ($referer) { if ($referer =~ /(http:\/\/.*\.[a-z]{2,4}\/)/i) { $referer = $1; } } else { $referer = "-"; } } sub write_log { my @months = ('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October','November','December'); my @days = ('Sun','Mon','Tue','Wed','Thu','Fri','Sat'); my ($min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday) = (localtime(time+($offset*3600)))[1,2,3,4,5,6]; $min = "0$min" if ($min < 10); $hour = "0$hour" if ($hour < 10); $mday = "0$mday" if ($mday < 10); $year += 1900; $month = $mon+1; $month = "0$month" if ($month < 10); my $logdat = "$base_dir/$month-$year\.$log_file_ext"; my $this_day = ("$days[$wday] $mday-$months[$mon]-$year $hour:$min"); open(DATA,">>$logdat"); print DATA ("$this_day - $host - \"$ENV{'HTTP_USER_AGENT'}\" - \"$referer\"\n"); close (DATA); } sub get_host { my ($ip_address,$ip_number,@numbers); if ($ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}) { $host = $ENV{'REMOTE_HOST'}; } else { $ip_address = $ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}; @numbers = split(/\./, $ip_address); $ip_number = pack("C4", @numbers); $host = (gethostbyaddr($ip_number, 2))[0]; } if ($host eq "") { $host = "$ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'}"; } } if (@skip) { foreach $ips (@skip) { if($ENV{'REMOTE_ADDR'} =~ /$ips/) { $check = 1; last; } } } $check = &check_ip if ($check==0); if ($check == 0) { &get_host(); &parse_ref(); &write_log(); } print "Location: $output\n\n"; exit (0);